ヒューズボックス欲しい人いますか? Is there anyone who wants these upgraded fuse boxes?

Since the most current flows when the air conditioner is on, just in case, the test was completed with the air conditioner on. It doesn’t seem to be any problems, so is there someone who wants one?

If you are interested in, please send an email to maedamin-at mark-gmail.com (please replace ‘-at mark-‘ by @)
your country (for shipping)
– your car year
– your car type (GTB/GTS Carb, GTBi/GTSi/, GTB-QV/GTS-QV)

I will let you know the details!

そうそう、趣味で作っているレベルなので、ご理解のほどお願いいたします。(まぁ、かなり長時間テストしたので、燃えるとか熱とかで溶けることは無いと思いますが念のため。そもそも熱を持つのは酸化被膜などによる接触不良が原因ですし 💦)装着できないとかであれば、できるだけサポートします!
By the way, though I test it severely, I am making this as my hobby, so please understand this situation. (I use it, but of course it’s at my own risk.)


“ヒューズボックス欲しい人いますか? Is there anyone who wants these upgraded fuse boxes?” の続きを読む
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